
Actualités " International"

EMLV / Archive by category "International" (Page 8)

Meet Our Partners : Dublin’s Dorset College, Ireland
04 Feb 2020 /
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Today, “Meet our partners” takes you on a tour in the heart of Dublin city, to discover EMLV’s Irish partner: Dorset College. Founded in 1983, the private college is home to the Devinci Career Fair – Dublin edition and to more than 100 students from the Pole Leonard de Vinci, enrolled in the Bachelor of […]

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Meet Our Partners : Babes Bolyai University, at the heart of Transylvania, Romania
28 Jan 2020 /
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The Study Abroad Fair is the occasion for several partner universities to present their exchange programmes and their home cities to the students of the Pole Leonard de Vinci. The opportunity for Oana Pacurar, International Relations Officer, Faculty of Business, from “Babes-Bolyai” University, in Romania, to outline the student life in Cluj-Napoca and the advantages […]

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5 International Business Careers That Are in High Demand
19 Dec 2019 /
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International business careers introduce students to the exciting world of traveling and interacting with companies worldwide. With so many opportunities to choose from, each one of them is a steppingstone towards intercultural liaisons and positioning graduates as competitive professionals. With a growing economy, many businesses have offices and branches overseas and are looking for new […]

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Study Abroad Fair 2019 : welcoming EMLV partner universities in Paris
03 Dec 2019 /
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The Study Abroad Fair, that took place at the De Vinci Pole on November 14th, kept its promise to provide 3rd year students with all the information they need to prepare themselves for studying abroad. Nearly 1,000 students visited the stands of the partner universities ESILV works with, where they found information about both study […]

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5 Ways to Get the Most Out of Studying Abroad
14 Nov 2019 /
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Saying goodbye to your hometown and getting ready for your flight: studying abroad here you come! It is without a doubt the journey of a lifetime, but it can fly by so fast without realizing what you’ve missed. Following these 5 tips will help any international student make the most of their studying abroad experience! […]

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4 Myths About Studying Abroad
17 Oct 2019 /
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So many young  students give up their dream of studying abroad because they believe so many misconceptions out there about traveling that they end up hesitating even more. It’s time to set the records straight. Is there any actual truth to the common misconceptions that are shared about an international experience and studying abroad? Studying […]

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International Students making the most of their first week at EMLV Business School Paris
08 Oct 2019 /
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Welcome, classes of 2020 ! On the first of October, about one hundred students started their first semester at EMLV Business School. Our international programmes gathered an incredible diverse student population with different needs : knowledge, exposure, experience, networks, business development skills. They grabbed a coffee and started their engines. Indian, Nepalese, Taiwanase, Brazilian, Norwegian […]

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Studying Abroad: 5 Lessons Students Learn Outside the Classroom
03 Sep 2019 /
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Studying abroad is a thought that crosses the mind of young people everyday. Spending time immersed in another culture is the best way to step outside of the “comfort zone” and develop new strengths and understandings.

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MSc International Business Student, Ivan – “I’m Going to Be an Entrepreneur!”
04 Jul 2019 /
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Not only does international business support the development, strategy and management of organisations at a global level, but also shapes the competencies of future leaders and managers. The MSc International Business programme at EMLV business school will arm international students with the skills needed to think and work across borders, and Ivan from Argentina is […]

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One Year Abroad: Survival Tips for International Students
25 Jun 2019 /
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Sitting in the airport, waiting for the airplane boarding call, holding on to the passport, and carefully watching the suitcases. A new journey is about to begin.  What could one year abroad change in the life of international students and can they ever be ready for what’s coming next?

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Studying Abroad: Questions to Stop Asking International Students
18 Jun 2019 /
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Studying abroad is such a roller coaster experience, especially for international students who are usually a source of fascination among locals, classmates, and teachers. People are instantly drawn to them and want to know everything about them, even if it gets awkward.

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How Students Use Social Media to Choose Their Business School
11 Jun 2019 /
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Social media has undoubtedly changed the way people see the world and make, not only daily easy decisions, but also life-changing ones like exploring higher education opportunities. Business schools are now able to share information not only with their inner network but also with potential candidates through their social media channels.

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