
Actualités " International"

EMLV / Archive by category "International" (Page 10)

Meet our partners : Geneva Business School, Global Leader in Business Education
29 Mar 2018 /
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The International Week is the occasion for several universities to present their partnerships with EMLV. The opportunity for Thierry Delachaux, Head of the diplomatic department at Geneva Business School, to present the advantage of studying in Geneva to EMLV students. Geneva Business School is a leading business school providing high-quality education on a global scale. […]

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Innovation Lab: EMLV Students Represented France at International Marketing Event in Leuven
15 Mar 2018 /
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Ten third-year EMLV students spent five days in Leuven, Belgium, to work together with international students on marketing strategy innovations for SMEs. They participate in an International Innovation Lab, in collaboration with the university UC Leuven-Limburg. Damilola Enitan, Manuel Golmayo, Youssef Karti, Valeriia Kostinenko, Phuong Le, Binh Ngo Tung, Simon Olsson, Bernhard van den Ende, […]

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Studying Abroad in Paris: Lev, a MBA
06 Mar 2018 /
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Lev Mukhin chose business school EMLV to pursue a MBA. After a first professional experience in Kazakhstan, he now lives close to campus, in Paris business district. Lev looked back on his experience at school, the MBA programme and his life in France. Find out what to expect when you spend one year in Paris, […]

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What studying in Paris is like: experiences of international students
06 Feb 2018 /
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All third-year students at EMLV must spend their year abroad for an academic exchange semester and a four to six month internship. However, students also experiment international life directly on campus, with incoming foreign students. We asked the latter what it is like studying in Paris. Clichés about France, best memories and tips… find out […]

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France’s Attractivity is Higher than Ever for International Students
04 Jan 2018 /
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Campus France’s latest barometer shows that international students have never been more satisfied about studying abroad in France than in 2017. Here are a few of the reasons why 9 international students out of 10 recommend France as a study destination. The survey was conducted by Kantar Sofres from July to October 2017 on 14 […]

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Christophe, student from the Katholieke Hogeschool of Leuven in Belgium, in international exchange program at EMLV
02 Sep 2015 /
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Christophe, 22, from the Katholieke Hogeschool Leuven, Belgium is studying marketing in EMLV through the Erasmus program. My name is Christophe Boeckx, from Belgium and I’m 22 years old. I’m from the Katholieke Hogeschool of Leuven, close to Brussels. I wanted to undertake an Erasmus year because it’s a great opportunity to study abroad, to […]

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Haeun, student from Kyonggi in South Korea, in international exchange program at EMLV
11 May 2015 /
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Haeun is Korean, from Kyonggi. She studies at Kyonggi University, in South Korea and is following the international exchange program at EMLV. Hello! My name Haeun KIM. I’m from South Korea. My University in South Korea is “Kyonggi University” and I study International industry. I have chosen this program because I have only two years […]

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Hsin-Yu, student from Tunghai University in Taiwan, in international exchange program at EMLV
23 Apr 2015 /
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Yu-Hsin is Taiwanese, from Tunghai. She studies Hospitality Management at Tunghai University and is in international exchange in EMLV. My name LAI Hsin-Yu and I’m from Taiwan, Tunghai University. My major is Hospitality Management and I’m a master student. I came for this exchange student program because it’s my last year as a student. If […]

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Chiara, student from the British Colombia Institute of Technology in Canada, in international exchange program in Paris
02 Apr 2015 /
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Chiara is canadian, from Vancouver. She studies at the British Columbia Institute of Technology and is in international exchange at EMLV. My name is Chiara and I’m from Vancouver, Canada. I’m from BCIT which is in British Columbia as well. I have chosen the exchange program as I actually speak French. I took French Immersion […]

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Minhyung, a student from Sungkyunkwan University in South Korea, following an international exchange program at EMLV
27 Mar 2015 /
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Minhyung is Korean, from Sungkyunkwan in South Korea. He studies at Sungkyunkwan University and is following an international exchange in EMLV. My name is PARK Minhyung and I am 25 years old. I come from South Korea and I study in Sungkyunkwan University. It’s a perfect university in Korea! Actually, ever since I was a […]

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Philip, student from the Copenhagen Business Academy in Denmark, study in Paris at EMLV in exchange program
18 Mar 2015 /
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Philip is Danish, from Copenhagen. He studies at the Copenhagen Business Academy and is in international exchange at EMLV. My name is Phillip Gotfredsen. I’m from Denmark, Copenhagen and my university in Denmark is called the Copenhagen Business Academy. I’ve chosen an international exchange program because I think it’s the idea of learning new things […]

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Jing, student from Beijing Jiaotong University BJTU in China, in international exchange program at EMLV
10 Mar 2015 /
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Jing is Chinese, from Beijing. She studies at BJTU University and is in international exchange in EMLV. My name is LI Jing, okay. So family name is LI. It’s different from French or English names. My university is Beijing Jiaotong University. Sorry, I make some French in English. I chose this program because I think […]

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