International Business New Year’s Resolutions of 2023

Over the past few years, businesses have faced enormous transitions and endured tremendous change; these updates won’t slow down in 2023 or anytime soon as the industry grows with an ever-rapidly developing technological landscape.

Let’s discuss the resolutions that will have the most significant day-to-day impact on how international business will operate in 2023.

International Business and Sustainability

Global understanding of the fact that the coming climate catastrophe will be considerably more difficult to deal with than anything we have faced in recent years and will much outweigh the challenges brought on by the Covid outbreak is developing. In other words, investors and customers favor businesses with the right environmental and social credentials, and conscious consumers—those of us who take into account factors like ecological impact and sustainability when deciding who to buy from or do business with—are increasingly driving purchasing trends.

Taking Customer Experience to the Next Level

Customers will value experiences above all else in 2023. This being said, this doesn’t necessarily imply that quality and pricing are put on the back burner. Both contribute, in varying degrees, to how customers select, acquire, and enjoy the products and services they invest their money in.

Breaking it down, in the past, technology’s function in this particular area has been to simplify procedures and customers’ journeys with recommendation engines, customer support online, and after-sale assistance. In 2023, they will still be important and relevant, but the game has changed, and this year’s buzzwords are immersion and interactivity.

Upskilling Employees

Upskilling employees is the process of training staff on new technologies or enhanced systems, and it can help them grow in their existing roles.

The great resignation and silent resigning, which refers to the massive movements of bright people over the last year, occurred as workers reevaluated the significance of their jobs and their personal goals. Employers are now more than ever under pressure because of this to make sure they offer exciting career opportunities, flexible hybrid work arrangements, and a positive workplace culture.

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In 2023, it will be crucial to provide individuals with meaningful employment, continual learning and development opportunities, flexibility, and diverse, value-oriented workplaces. And one of the key efforts will focus on upskilling employees and encourage them to stay up to date on the latest technologies for their own benefit and the benefit of the business they work at, which will increase their chances to be promoted and growing within the company, ultimately resulting in better employee morale.

Continuous Education Starts with an MSc in International Business

Students who enroll in the MSc International Business program receive training in ethical company conduct in a global business setting. Students from diverse academic backgrounds are welcome to enroll in this program, which will address both theoretical and practical facets of global management.

The curriculum trains prospective managers to join the global community in this digital age by examining the numerous cultural and geopolitical aspects of today’s complicated international business environment. Students are prepared for professional options in management, digital marketing, corporate finance, and trade on the global stage by taking this course.

Are you ready to boost your career in the ever-growing digital world?


Categories: Programmes
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